Homevest Blog

Homevest is a pan-European mortgage and homebuying platform. We strive to bring the mortgages in the 21st century.


Homevest România: credit ipotecar cu salariu de afară

Descoperă informații despre accesarea creditelor ipotecare direct din străinătate, de la condiții, acte, la oferte bancare și metode prin care poți accelera acest proces.

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44 articles

Cross-border mortgages

The Homevest blog discusses the best lenders for cross-border mortgages, trends in home buying, and tips on how to buy property in a different country.

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124 articles

Homevest España: hipotecas para no residentes

Conseguir una hipoteca en España desde el extranjero puede llevar mucho tiempo si no sabes quién puede ayudarte y qué bancos aceptan a solicitantes no residentes. Estamos aquí para ayudar.

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31 articles

Hipotecas internacionais de não residentes

O blog Homevest discute os melhores bancos para hipotecas de não residentes, tendências do mercado imobiliário e dicas sobre como comprar casa em outro país.

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1 articles

Internationella bolån

Homevest-bloggen diskuterar de bästa bankerna för internationella bolån, trender på fastighetsmarknaden och tips om hur man köper bostad i ett annat land.

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30 articles

Internationale Immobilienfinanzierung

Der Homevest-Blog diskutiert die besten Banken für internationale Immobilienfinanzierungen, Immobilienmarkttrends und Tipps zur Wohnungssuche in einem anderen Land.

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21 articles

Prêts hypothécaires transfrontaliers

Le blog Homevest présente les meilleurs prêteurs pour les prêts hypothécaires transfrontaliers, les tendances en matière d'achat de maisons et des conseils sur la façon d'acheter une propriété dans un autre pays.

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4 articles

Mutui transfrontalieri

Il blog Homevest discute i migliori istituti di credito per mutui transfrontalieri, tendenze nell'acquisto di case e consigli su come acquistare proprietà in un altro paese.

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1 articles

A platform for mortgages

Homevest is a pan-European mortgage and homebuying platform. We strive to bring the mortgages in the 21st century.

Where will you buy?