Internationella bolån - snabbt och enkelt

Lås upp ditt drömhem i Spanien, Portugal eller Rumänien. Det är enkelt, snabbt och gratis.

Banker vi samarbetar med

Banco Sabadell
UCI Portugal
Banca Transilvania
Credit Europe
Libra Internet Bank
Banca March

Kunder älskar Homevest

I would highly recommend Homevest
Homevest provided fantastic support throughout a complicated buying process. Ioana was highly professional, knowledgeable and helpful in securing a mortgage and provided a great service.
Great service and support throughout the process!
I received great service throughout the entire process. Ioana patiently walked me through the different offers on the table and really helped me understand the necessary steps before and afterwards. Would certainly recommend Homevest to others which are not experienced with receiving a mortgage in Spain.
Great company
They really helped me during the process of buying a property in Spain. Special thank you to Ioana Furau who has been there for me all the way during the process. Would definitely recommend them to anyone who wish to use their service!
My request was perfectly addressed and…
My request was perfectly addressed and in a timely manner. Very friendly helpful and well informed staff who acted immediately and informed me in very clear intelligible manner.
I was looking to buy a property back home
I was looking to buy a property back home and didn’t know where to start. Homevest made the whole process really easy.
Excellent customer service, tailored solutions
Very good service from first interaction. Tailoring their solution to my needs, going beyond to find new ways to satisfy my requests. Smooth follow up. Overall, an excellent experience

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4.65 - 5.73%
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Från våra blogginlägg

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Kan svenskar köpa hus i Italien? En 2024 guide

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Nicholas Vinberg
2023-07-12 08:11:57 UTC
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Nicholas Vinberg
Nicholas Vinberg
2023-07-11 07:04:22 UTC

Vårt team

Vårt erfarna team hjälper dig att jämföra villkor och ansöka om bolån.

Ioana Furau profile Image

Ioana Furau

Kunder & produktsupport

Delia Mihuț profile Image

Delia Mihuț

Marknadsföring & innehåll

Petru Dimulescu profile Image

Petru Dimulescu

Teknik & Produkt